Daily Announcements

Announcements Tuesday, March 25

  1. Attention all student senate members. There will be a short meeting Today at 2:30 in room 215. See you there.

  1. Any students missing items, please check the Lost & Found across from the Learning Center. Any items still here by this afternoon will be donated. 

  1. Any student interested in being a tour guide at Open House on Thursday can sign up at Mr. House’s office. Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered.  Please see Mr. House with questions.

  1. The United Church of Cohoes is grateful for all our donations to their food pantry! This Week’s Canned Food Thursday specialty item worth double points is Rice! Please be sure to stock up in homerooms!

  1. Rosary Group is cancelled for today. Please join us next week!

  1. Any student who would like to go to the Van Rensselaer Manor for LaSallian Youth should meet in front of the main office today at 2:45. This is the only day we can go to LaSallian youth this week because of Open House on Thursday.